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Juanluís Ramos

Juanluís Ramos nació en Bayamón, Puerto Rico el 25 de marzo de 1985. Es autor de los libros de cuentos Reyerta TV (Libros AC, Puerto Rico, 2009), por el cual obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Cuento 2009 otorgado por el Pen Club de Puerto Rico; y Shadowplay (ICP, Puerto Rico, 2017). En el 2017 recibió el Premio “Nuevas Voces” del Festival de la Palabra. Ha publicado trabajos académicos, literarios y reseñas en revistas locales e internacionales. Para escribir, Juanluís se inspira “en lo cotidiano; en los imaginarios que creamos; en lo individual como colectivo; en esas experiencias que no importa cuánto las expliquemos, nunca nadie nos cree.” Recibir esta beca significa para él “un soporte para poder terminar varios proyectos que se han tenido que ver interrumpidos por el salvajismo de los últimos años.”


Juanluís Ramos was born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, on March 25, 1985. He is the author of the short story books Reyerta TV (Libros AC, Puerto Rico, 2009), for which he won the 2009 National Short Story Prize awarded by the Pen Club of Puerto Rico; and Shadowplay (ICP, Puerto Rico, 2017). In 2017, he received the Premio Nuevas Voces from the Festival de la Palabra. He has published academic and literary works and reviews in local and international magazines. Juanluís is inspired to write by “everyday life; the imaginaries we create; the individual as well as the collective; those experiences that no matter how much we explain them, no one ever believes us.” Receiving this fellowship means for him “support to be able to finish several projects that he has had to interrupt due to the savagery of recent years.”