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Jaquira Díaz

Jaquira Díaz nació en Puerto Rico y creció entre Humacao, Fajardo, y Miami Beach. Es escritora, periodista, productora y profesora. Es autora de Ordinary Girls: A Memoir, ganadora del Whiting Award, una Medalla de Oro de los Premios de Libros de Florida, y finalista del Lambda Literary Awards, entre otros. Ordinary Girls fue opcionada para televisión y actualmente está en desarrollo con Gratitude Productions y Killer Films, con Díaz como Co-Productora Ejecutiva. Díaz ha escrito para The Atlantic, The Guardian, Time Magazine, T: The New York Times Style Magazine y The Fader, y sus historias, poemas y ensayos han sido publicados en The Best American Essays, The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext, Best American Experimental Writing, y la antología del Pushcart Prize.

“Sueño con regresar a Puerto Rico, para poder vivir y trabajar donde nací. Esta beca es un regalo de tiempo y recursos, pero también de conexión. Poder conectar con escritores y traductores boricuas que trabajan en el archipiélago significa todo.”


Jaquira Díaz was born in Puerto Rico and raised between Humacao, Fajardo, and Miami Beach. She is a writer, journalist, producer, and professor. She is the author of Ordinary Girls: A Memoir, winner of a Whiting Award, a Florida Book Awards Gold Medal, a Lambda Literary Awards finalist, among others. Ordinary Girls was optioned for television and is currently in development with Gratitude Productions and Killer Films, and Díaz as Co-Executive Producer. Díaz has written for The Atlantic, The Guardian, Time Magazine, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, and The Fader. Her stories, poems, and essays have been anthologized in The Best American Essays, The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext, Best American Experimental Writing, and The Pushcart Prize anthology.

“I dream of moving back to Puerto Rico, to be able to live and work where I was born. This fellowship is a gift of time and resources but also connection. To be able to connect with Boricua writers and translators working on the archipelago means everything.”