Tatiana Figueroa Ramírez nació en Mayagüez en el 1992. Es poeta y educadora criada en los Estados Unidos como hija de un soldado. Actualmente vive en Maryland. Sus publicaciones recientes incluyen After the Revolution, Até Mais (Deep Vellum, 2024) y ExhumeI (Flowersong Press, 2024). Para escribir, se inspira en imaginar lo que necesitaba escuchar cuando más joven y durante momentos difíciles como una mujer de color. Se inspira en saber que hay muchas personas quienes necesitan escuchar poemas donde se vean reflejados. También le inspiran las mujeres e historias de su familia, con la naturaleza, con su isla, y con lo bonito de la vida.
“Sueño con que mi hija algún día lea mis poemas y se sienta empoderada y orgullosa de lo que he logrado. Recibir esta beca significa para mí que mis palabras sí importan y que hay una comunidad que sí apoya a mujeres de color, madres, e hijas de Puerto Rico como yo.”
Tatiana Figueroa Ramírez was born in Mayagüez in 1992. She is a poet and educator who was raised in the United States as the daughter of a soldier. She currently lives in Maryland. Her recent publications include After the Revolution, Até Mais (Deep Vellum, 2024), and ExhumeI (Flowersong Press, 2024). Her writing is inspired by imagining what she needed to hear when she was younger and during difficult times as a woman of color. She is inspired by knowing that there are many people who need to hear poems where they see themselves reflected. She is also inspired by the women and stories of her family, by nature, her island, and the beauty of life.
“I dream that my daughter will one day read my poems and feel empowered and proud of what I have achieved. Receiving this scholarship means to me that my words do matter and that there is a community that does support women of color, mothers, and daughters of Puerto Rico like me.”