Willie Perdomo nació en la Ciudad de Nueva York en el 1967. Es escritor criado en East Harlem, Nueva York. Es ganador del Foundation for Contemporary Arts Cy Twombly Award for Poetry, el New York City Book Award in Poetry, y el PEN Open Book Award. Además fue finalista para el National Book Critics Circle Award y el Poetry Society of America Norma Farber First Book Award. Es coeditor de la antología Latínext, y sus escritos han sido publicados por The New York Times Magazine, Poetry, Washington Post, The Best American Poetry 2019, y African Voices. Es un Lucas Arts Literary Fellow, miembro de la facultad de VONA/Voices of our Nation Writing Workshop, y enseña en Phillips Exeter Academy. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentran: The Crazy Bunch (Penguin Random House, 2019) y Smoking Lovely: The Remix (Haymarket Books, 2021). Actualmente vive en Exeter, New Hampshire.
“Sobre todo, creo que los escritores comparten la responsabilidad de documentar la memoria colectiva. Como consecuencia, su oficio es un proceso interminable, llevado a cabo en su mayoría en silencio y soledad. Letras Boricuas ha demostrado ofrecer a los escritores compañía y un destello de luz en este camino artístico—y, por ende, arduo. Ser beneficiario de esta beca significa tener la oportunidad de conectar con lectores y lecturas que, de otro modo, podrían no haberse acercado a la página.”
Willie Perdomo was born in New York City in 1967. He is a writer raised in East Harlem, New York City. Winner of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Cy Twombly Award for Poetry, the New York City Book Award in Poetry, and the PEN Open Book Award, Perdomo was also a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Poetry Society of America Norma Farber First Book Award. He is co-editor of the anthology Latínext, and his work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Poetry, Washington Post, The Best American Poetry 2019, and African Voices. He is a Lucas Arts Literary Fellow, a core faculty member at VONA/Voices of our Nation Writing Workshop, and teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy. His recent publications include The Crazy Bunch (Penguin Random House, 2019) and Smoking Lovely: The Remix (Haymarket Books, 2021). He currently lives in Exeter, New Hampshire.
“Above all, I believe that writers share the responsibility of documenting collective memory. As a consequence, their craft is a never-ending process, mostly carried out in silence and solitude. Letras Boricuas has proven to provide writers with companionship and a flicker of light on this artistic—and therefore arduous—journey. Being a recipient of this fellowship means having an opportunity to connect with readers and readings that, otherwise, may not have been drawn to the page.”