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Urayoán Noel

Urayoán Noel nació el 12 de abril de 1976 en San Juan, Puerto Rico, se crio en Río Piedras y vive en El Bronx, Nueva York. Es profesor, hacedor cultural, poeta, crítico, traductor, performer, artista y escritor. Ha publicado ocho libros de poesía, entre ellos Boringkén (Ediciones Callejón/La Tertulia, 2008), galardonado como Libro del Año por El Nuevo Día, y Transversal (Editorial de la Universidad de Arizona, 2021), reconocido como Libro del Año por la Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York, así como un estudio crítico sobre poesía Nuyorican, In Visible Movement (Editorial de la Universidad de Iowa, 2014), honrado con el Premio de Estudios Latinos de LASA.


Urayoán Noel was born on April 12, 1976 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was raised in Río Piedras and lives in The Bronx, New York. He is a professor, cultural organizer, poet, critic, translator, performer, artist, and writer. He has published eight poetry books, including Boringkén (Ediciones Callejón/La Tertulia, 2008), which was named as Book of the Year by El Nuevo Día, and Transversal (University of Arizona Press, 2021), which was recognized as Book of the Year by the New York Public Library, in addition to a critical study of poetry Nuyorican, In Visible Movement (University of Iowa Press, 2014), which was awarded the Latino Studies Award from LASA.