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New Product: Quick Guide to Academic Partnering

As educators head into spring parent-teacher conference season, we’re excited to share our brand-new product, the Quick Guide to Academic Partnering. This guide, designed with and for educators, supports strong collaboration between educators and families, ultimately fostering student success!

Download the Quick Guide Now

Academic Partnering (AP) is a core component of REAL Family Engagement, the approach we champion to support strong school-family partnerships. Whether it’s during a parent-teacher conference, an APTT or Academic Parent-Teacher Team meeting, a student-led conference, or something else, partnering with families is an opportunity for you to share power, build or sustain trusting relationships, and support student achievement.

Our Quick Guide to Academic Partnering offers practical strategies and insights to help educators effectively engage with parents, creating a supportive learning environment both inside and outside the classroom. With a focus on partnership and communication, this resource draws out some of the most important elements that can empower educators to harness the collective efforts of families and schools in nurturing the academic growth and development of every student.

Included in the guide are things to keep in mind, as well as action items and reflection questions aimed at strengthening your AP practice.

For more resources on AP, download our full Academic Partnering Toolkit.

If you have questions or other needs, or want to share feedback, please reach out to the Flamboyan Product Team at